Well things are not improving on this drought that the nation is stuck in, here in 2012. As I look back on it now this drought actually started last summer and fall as we got dry and had a very early harvest if you all remember. And then with the mild warm winter and extremely warm spring, this thing has not let up at all and continues. So we will soon have a year under our belt on this one. I read where they say the sunspot activity will not end until next year sometime. So this could be with us for a while. But we have not had a wet fall to contend with now since 1974 so we are even more over due for that than we were this drought. That could happen also as things do have a way of averaging out each year with temps and moisture levels...I am giving these two options a 50/50 chance of happening...that should be a safe bet...I will win one of them possibly....
Looking forward to watching the two political conventions this summer. I recall watching these as a kid in the 50's and they made for some pretty interesting viewing. But there was not a lot to watch back then and as I recall the networks relied heavily on these for their content during these conventions. So folks did not have the options they do now..I doubt if I will be in the majority watching these two events..But I did get hooked on them as a young person so I will watch but may not enjoy as much as I used to....
I posted a little offering on the USMC political forum website about the creation museum from last weekend. I was surprise in that I had 498 views of this and the replies counted 67 in all. I did not think Marines would take up the matter in the way that they did. I would estimate that about 2/3rds of the replies were in unison with the creation theory, and that about 1/3rd sided with the evolution theory. To me that was very interesting.
Spider mites have started to appear in large numbers in several of the soybean fields last week. I sprayed a couple fields and may do the rest in a week or so if I see damage. Spider mites are a spin off from drought conditions in the midwest. As the grass I think they usually are happy living in browns off they then move to other vegetations that have some life in them. These guys poke holes in the underside of the leaves and suck the life blood right out of the plants. The chemical kills them and stops the process for about 3 weeks. Rain would also stop the process by washing them off the leaves down into the ground..I sure hope that happens soon.
One hopeful sign is the sweet corn crop is not huge and far from healthy but there is say a 75% crop of sweet corn. This encourages me that we may have at least some corn to harvest this fall...But not sure on that but in past years I usually assumed that a good sweet corn crop meant a pretty good corn crop as well....we will see.
Hopeing that Mitt Romney will find his "campaign legs" real soon. He has a lot of work to do to defeat Obama who of late has been successful in diverting peoples attention from the miserable job he has done as President, to questioning Romneys past record..It is pretty sad that he has gotten away with it so far. But when you have all the liberal press awarding him trophy's in every thing he attempts to do, it appears just to be so hard for them to look at the full picture. I think Mitt will find his pace soon and ignore the ignoramus and step up to the plate to win this race.
OK Lake Wobegon here is down by about 3 feet and I am being successful in keeping the moss somewhat under control. But outside of moss control and jerking a few fish out for dinner now and then, that is about the news from here....