I watched the state of the union address and yesterday I watched the meeting between President Obama and the Republicans in the House of Representatives. It was like watching two different Obama's..the State of the Union Obama was pretty much what I have seen before and was not overly impressed. He did not let on that he got the message that the people want good transparent government.
But yesterday he did, it was a side I have not seen and a side that I liked. His meeting with them was covered by the media pretty well but all the networks showed and commented about it in a way that furthered their bais on politics in general...The best view of it was on CSPAN...they did not make comments and they also covered the hand shanking and greetings that many of the Republicans the President had afterward. It was good watching them converse and smile at each other, no doubt promising better bi partisan cooperation in days ahead. I was encouraged that IF OBAMA 'wants too', that he can indeed reach out and solve problems. If he does this I think there is a possibility that he may be re-elected in 2012 for a second term. He does have charm and can be Presidential no doubt about it. I saw that side of him yesterday for the first time.
As he listened to the questions and answered them, he no doubt had the Miracle of Massachuttes on his mind. Knowing that the electorate there mostly democrats had elected a Republican to the Senate, yes, but they were actually without a doubt telling their President they wanted transparency and bi-partisanship,
And Mr Obama Got the message....Maybe we can visualize it like this, the night Massachuttes elected a Republican to the old seat of ted kennedy, his YOU GOT MAIL light, went on with a loud BONG...After watching the President yesterday I guarantee you he 'read the mail'....
The exchange was cordial and refreshing and the three members of the house in leadership were also very professional including Indiana's own Mike Pence. Now at least yesterday it looked good, but now we will have to see if this guys spots have changed just a little or will he flip flop back and forth when he gets in front of the camera's and is talking to the populace in general similar to the state of the union message...Will he allow himself to show he has changed when he works with the members of his party. He promised to hold leadership meetings in the white house with leadership from both parties from here on....that came when some of the republicans relayed to him that Speaker Pelosi used dictator style tatics in the house and is absolutely not bi partisan when she thinks she has enough votes to cram liberal legislation down the voters throat.
Actually from here I doubt he has changed, I think he will still pursue the liberal overspending and nutsville legislation we have seen proposed, but Buddy the Cavalier seen below and I will be watching and I am hopeful that we could be wrong....
COMMENTS ARE WELCOME HERE also just off to the left here by the fadded orange B is a SEARCH BOX that you can type in any subjects and it will bring up stories I have maybe written that touch that subject. If your a farmer type in farming, if your a Marine type in Marine...Politics? Fishing? Remodeling? Mushroons?, Cancer, Mono, Brothers, Sisters, Sweet Peas, you get the idea....But be warned this world of today is "MANURE FORK READY" and were gonna try and fix it.
Saturday, January 30, 2010
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Don't ya just LOVE IT? (205)
Watching the Obama administration try and keep the plane in the air is starting to get interesting. I am looking forward to watching the State of the Union message tomorrow night. It will be quite interesting to see the spinster put a spin on "whats happenin now" in DC and the nation.
Buddy keeps a "concerned eye" on the news.
I guess it is good to know that they are at least observing what is happening with voters even though the reaction is kind of an insult of the voters intelligence. But at least they finally realize that what they have been doing is "over the top" in fiscal responsiblility. Now we wait till summer and see what the candidates have to say and then we do our duty as we see it in the ballot booth.
It is hard to believe that it took a year for the populace to start to notice that all this promised wonderment was being purchased by dollars that we really don't have... It has been something to watch unfold these last 18 months from the time these wild promises were made and wildly applauded until the chickens finally came to roost...
You know really government can not operate indefinately spending more than it takes in, any more than a business or even a family can, we all know that but these clowns, I don't think really get it...I really don't think they do, to them it is disney land and everyone just lives happily ever after. Especially if you can give unlimited amount of money to the less fortunate and lay the bill at the American tax payers door...But actually not because the plan is to borrow it instead and then lay the bill plus excessive interest at the door of our children and grandchildren...Now that is if we are even solvent at that point in time..The reason of course that we can not operate this way as a business or a family is the lender eventually says NO.... But in this case of government spending, we are the lender, and we someday soon here better "buck up", and just say no and we do that at the ballet box by who we send to Washington.....Sometimes I just shake my head and wonder how in the world it will all turn out and if 5 years from now we will still have the nation we all love.
Buddy keeps a "concerned eye" on the news.
Tonight I just had to burst into laughter when one congressmen said, that Obama's proposed spending freeze is like "going to a big pie eating contest and then afterward announcing you were going on a diet"....Later I learn that the cutting measures will actually cut a whopping one (yes 1) percent of the proposed budget of this administration...So basically this is just a knee jerk reaction to what happened in Massachusetts last week.
I guess it is good to know that they are at least observing what is happening with voters even though the reaction is kind of an insult of the voters intelligence. But at least they finally realize that what they have been doing is "over the top" in fiscal responsiblility. Now we wait till summer and see what the candidates have to say and then we do our duty as we see it in the ballot booth.
It is hard to believe that it took a year for the populace to start to notice that all this promised wonderment was being purchased by dollars that we really don't have... It has been something to watch unfold these last 18 months from the time these wild promises were made and wildly applauded until the chickens finally came to roost...
You know really government can not operate indefinately spending more than it takes in, any more than a business or even a family can, we all know that but these clowns, I don't think really get it...I really don't think they do, to them it is disney land and everyone just lives happily ever after. Especially if you can give unlimited amount of money to the less fortunate and lay the bill at the American tax payers door...But actually not because the plan is to borrow it instead and then lay the bill plus excessive interest at the door of our children and grandchildren...Now that is if we are even solvent at that point in time..The reason of course that we can not operate this way as a business or a family is the lender eventually says NO.... But in this case of government spending, we are the lender, and we someday soon here better "buck up", and just say no and we do that at the ballet box by who we send to Washington.....Sometimes I just shake my head and wonder how in the world it will all turn out and if 5 years from now we will still have the nation we all love.
Saturday, January 23, 2010
Moving back towards a Republic with "some" Democracy. (204)
This nation did start as a Republic, a government of laws, a centralized government, mainly responsible for the nations security and our founders did fear that it would become eventually "too" democratic and fall into disarray.
Our pledge of allegiance bears that out, We pledge allegiance to the US and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation , under God etc........
We soon became more and more a democracy and that is not all bad if held within reason and not taken to extremes which is what has almost happened here with extreme spending issues that we have seen proposed of late and almost put into law. When I say I would like to see us move back more to a Republic I am not naive enough to think we could actually get there. I agree with a lot of what democracy is about, but I surely don't agree with it having become overpowering to the point of bankrupting the nation...We should all fear this as we are close to this point of falling off the cliff...So much so that the voters in almost totally democratic Massachuttes sent a Republican to the Senate this week...I think it was the shot heard around the world that the people have seen the light that we have gone to far with liberal careless spending...
I have seen it in my life time over and over again that the government we have evolved to thinking there is no end to what they can magically do for the people but at the peoples expense of course...I know we can not go all the way back to our early days Republic form of government, we have evolved too far to have that happen, but we can and should turn the direction of government around and at least sail our ship of state back towards those days of less government and not sail on toward falling off the edge...the earth is flat you know....ha
Kidding aside, the two parties of our government have become intermingled in what they believe and want for our people... It is tough sometimes to tell who is who.....In this last election even when McCain the Republican candidate seen the people admiring the liberal promises of Obama, he instead of warning the people of going to far on something we could not afford, he actually tried to "out lie the liar" so to speak. His reteric sounded almost the same...So it became a contest of promises we could ill afford and we ended up with what we have..Old adage has it that the first liar does not stand a chance, but in this case he did as it was hard to keep ahead of so many generous promises that just seemed like what a lot of people wanted....And thus the democrats felt they had a mandate of unlimited promises to fulfill and actually tried to do it....The mistakes they made was to do it at any cost, making deals to some and promising the people in the meantime that it actually could afford this....Luckily some of the people woke up especially in heavily democratic Massachuttes and it has gotten congress' and the Presidents attention...It was becoming obvious when the debt ceiling kept getting raised but at the same time telling us this was actually going to be lower cost...Lincoln said and let us not forget, "you can fool some of the people some of the time, but you can not fool all of the people all of the time", and that is what they tried to do...Abe was right and Massachuttes reminds us of that.
I hope this 'voters paying attention', continues this fall and that we the voters pay very close attention as to what candidates stand for and ask the right questions of them, and then do our duty and vote for the ones that could maybe bring our ship about and head it back into smoother waters.....The days of saying I don't vote cause they are all crooks needs to end...If they are all crooks then its cause we have not paid attention....
Our pledge of allegiance bears that out, We pledge allegiance to the US and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation , under God etc........
We soon became more and more a democracy and that is not all bad if held within reason and not taken to extremes which is what has almost happened here with extreme spending issues that we have seen proposed of late and almost put into law. When I say I would like to see us move back more to a Republic I am not naive enough to think we could actually get there. I agree with a lot of what democracy is about, but I surely don't agree with it having become overpowering to the point of bankrupting the nation...We should all fear this as we are close to this point of falling off the cliff...So much so that the voters in almost totally democratic Massachuttes sent a Republican to the Senate this week...I think it was the shot heard around the world that the people have seen the light that we have gone to far with liberal careless spending...
I have seen it in my life time over and over again that the government we have evolved to thinking there is no end to what they can magically do for the people but at the peoples expense of course...I know we can not go all the way back to our early days Republic form of government, we have evolved too far to have that happen, but we can and should turn the direction of government around and at least sail our ship of state back towards those days of less government and not sail on toward falling off the edge...the earth is flat you know....ha
Kidding aside, the two parties of our government have become intermingled in what they believe and want for our people... It is tough sometimes to tell who is who.....In this last election even when McCain the Republican candidate seen the people admiring the liberal promises of Obama, he instead of warning the people of going to far on something we could not afford, he actually tried to "out lie the liar" so to speak. His reteric sounded almost the same...So it became a contest of promises we could ill afford and we ended up with what we have..Old adage has it that the first liar does not stand a chance, but in this case he did as it was hard to keep ahead of so many generous promises that just seemed like what a lot of people wanted....And thus the democrats felt they had a mandate of unlimited promises to fulfill and actually tried to do it....The mistakes they made was to do it at any cost, making deals to some and promising the people in the meantime that it actually could afford this....Luckily some of the people woke up especially in heavily democratic Massachuttes and it has gotten congress' and the Presidents attention...It was becoming obvious when the debt ceiling kept getting raised but at the same time telling us this was actually going to be lower cost...Lincoln said and let us not forget, "you can fool some of the people some of the time, but you can not fool all of the people all of the time", and that is what they tried to do...Abe was right and Massachuttes reminds us of that.
I hope this 'voters paying attention', continues this fall and that we the voters pay very close attention as to what candidates stand for and ask the right questions of them, and then do our duty and vote for the ones that could maybe bring our ship about and head it back into smoother waters.....The days of saying I don't vote cause they are all crooks needs to end...If they are all crooks then its cause we have not paid attention....
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
America Speaks for "real change" and they mean it....(203)
Don't know about you but I and many others are exhuberant about the elections in Massachusetts....Now I may not have spelled a couple words right here but you probably know what I mean...gives me hope that maybe this nation will not go down the tube after all...Obama administration had us greased and sliding very close to the swirling drain...the healthcare bill could have been the one that put us on a downward plunge....then came the Senate election to fill the seat of Ted Kennedy....Wow and the people spoke and spoke well to the liberal democrats headed up by Obama and the congressional leadership...They sent a message and the message was recieved....I hope it will end the chain of nonsense that has been the adgenda of this administration....I really doubt that it will change what they want to do...This community organizer, couple with the likes of Polenski and Reid, the loose cannons directing this madness wants dearly to reorganize our country in a very liberal borderline communistic way...I want them to fail big time...I want our country to move back to a Republic form of government..It will take time and diligence on the part of the voter, but it could happen.....We need much smaller government not larger..we need to dump a lot of what government has grown to be....Gosh they made some really stupid mistakes..buying votes from some Senators, buying the loyality of the labor unions, really dum stuff....enough dum stuff that I think this momentum could send a lot of congressman and senators home to look for work come this fall...I surely hope so..I am excited for sure and recharged with hope for our Nation.
Now off to the right here is the harvest I found today when I arrived on the south 40....not acres but feet in width that I habitate here in the third phase of my rotation Corn Beans and Naples.....
The Lemon tree is or was loaded but a lot of folk have taken me up on my offer to "hep yo self" to them...I guess there is maybe 25 nice ones left on the tree...The Starfruit tree is my "pet" and I do not make that offer to my buddies...I love those things and the tree last year produced none...this year maybe there are 30 hanging on it and about 6 have dropped to the ground about 6 are dead ripe and will be enjoyed by this writer in days ahead...and the other 20 or so will be watched with care as they ripen...I did give my buddies George and Gladis a couple today but they are special so I had to share...they take me fishin you know into the backwaters that I love...and we fry them suckers and enjoy them with great wines and maybe a nice salad and who knows what else...but it is always a lot of fun and all very good...
Very very good is how this writer feels tonight as I watch CNN twist and turn with this turn of events from the election out east......They actually are asking good hard questions and I surely love watching them eat a big big helping of "crow".....
Now off to the right here is the harvest I found today when I arrived on the south 40....not acres but feet in width that I habitate here in the third phase of my rotation Corn Beans and Naples.....
The Lemon tree is or was loaded but a lot of folk have taken me up on my offer to "hep yo self" to them...I guess there is maybe 25 nice ones left on the tree...The Starfruit tree is my "pet" and I do not make that offer to my buddies...I love those things and the tree last year produced none...this year maybe there are 30 hanging on it and about 6 have dropped to the ground about 6 are dead ripe and will be enjoyed by this writer in days ahead...and the other 20 or so will be watched with care as they ripen...I did give my buddies George and Gladis a couple today but they are special so I had to share...they take me fishin you know into the backwaters that I love...and we fry them suckers and enjoy them with great wines and maybe a nice salad and who knows what else...but it is always a lot of fun and all very good...
Very very good is how this writer feels tonight as I watch CNN twist and turn with this turn of events from the election out east......They actually are asking good hard questions and I surely love watching them eat a big big helping of "crow".....
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Today 31 Years ago...........(202)
It was a day just like today..Snow everywhere, Purdue Agriculture Alumni held their annual Alumni fish Fry at the Purdue Armory...Very funny things happened at that event each year, why one year maybe that year that I can not remember, but those rascal ag alumni shot Purdue President Hanson threw a circus canon and he went throw a target bullseye at the south end of the Armory....Its true I saw it happen.....they do crazy stuff at Purdue..
But after that my brother Bob dropped me off at the Purdue Airport for an afternoon flight to Chicago, time was 2:45 PM. Destination was Sunny El Salvadore for 5 wonderful days of 90 degree temps, I couldn't wait.....I checked in had a few minutes to wait, and a good looking young lady was checking in also.
Well for the details of that you need to go back in my archives here and read my story dated Feb 12th, 13th, 14th and 15th, 2008, I won't repeat all that here, but it was titled Making it Rain and inside that is the story I wrote in the third person titled "Love was in the Air", of my meeting this lady at Purdue, but today is the 30th anniversary or will be a 2:45, of my marriage to Linda (Vanmeter) Randolph and a very good day for this divorced at the time father of five........
It was a marriage like most, up and down and sideways at times even topsie-turvey but through it all we never fell out of love....and I guess that is why on days like this I miss her and wish it had not happened the way it ended....She was suddenly diagnosed with lung cancer that had already moved into her liver and it really was incurable. She lasted 16 months of treatments that did not help very much. She passed on another 12th day of the month in April, 2007.....
But the best light I can put on it all is this, Linda was a Christian, I won't try and say to what degree or magnitude, cause I don't know, God only knows, but a good one, I do know she was a true believer and found comfort even in those last days of where she was headed. And I just like to think that "Business picked up in Heaven", and God needed a really good greeter. He needed to open a new check in lane maybe..And with that smile and looks and disposition, well I guess he knew for sure what he was doing and set it all in motion to happen...Only thing is I wish he had not a lot of days especially days like this.....Holidays, Birthdays and Anniversaries are remembered all to well after they can not be celebrated anymore. Life does go on though, and will starting tomorrow...but today at 2:45, I will try and remember the best of times......
If you care to read my story "Love was in the air" type the key word "Jane" into the search box in the upper left corn of this blog page..they will pop up three of he four chapters...You need to scan down to the bottom and read chapter one first then the second but for some reason chapter three is left out..for that you need to go back to the search box and type in Salvadorian Gringo Harvest, and it will then pop up...
But after that my brother Bob dropped me off at the Purdue Airport for an afternoon flight to Chicago, time was 2:45 PM. Destination was Sunny El Salvadore for 5 wonderful days of 90 degree temps, I couldn't wait.....I checked in had a few minutes to wait, and a good looking young lady was checking in also.
Well for the details of that you need to go back in my archives here and read my story dated Feb 12th, 13th, 14th and 15th, 2008, I won't repeat all that here, but it was titled Making it Rain and inside that is the story I wrote in the third person titled "Love was in the Air", of my meeting this lady at Purdue, but today is the 30th anniversary or will be a 2:45, of my marriage to Linda (Vanmeter) Randolph and a very good day for this divorced at the time father of five........
It was a marriage like most, up and down and sideways at times even topsie-turvey but through it all we never fell out of love....and I guess that is why on days like this I miss her and wish it had not happened the way it ended....She was suddenly diagnosed with lung cancer that had already moved into her liver and it really was incurable. She lasted 16 months of treatments that did not help very much. She passed on another 12th day of the month in April, 2007.....
But the best light I can put on it all is this, Linda was a Christian, I won't try and say to what degree or magnitude, cause I don't know, God only knows, but a good one, I do know she was a true believer and found comfort even in those last days of where she was headed. And I just like to think that "Business picked up in Heaven", and God needed a really good greeter. He needed to open a new check in lane maybe..And with that smile and looks and disposition, well I guess he knew for sure what he was doing and set it all in motion to happen...Only thing is I wish he had not a lot of days especially days like this.....Holidays, Birthdays and Anniversaries are remembered all to well after they can not be celebrated anymore. Life does go on though, and will starting tomorrow...but today at 2:45, I will try and remember the best of times......
If you care to read my story "Love was in the air" type the key word "Jane" into the search box in the upper left corn of this blog page..they will pop up three of he four chapters...You need to scan down to the bottom and read chapter one first then the second but for some reason chapter three is left out..for that you need to go back to the search box and type in Salvadorian Gringo Harvest, and it will then pop up...
Thursday, January 7, 2010
Winter Wonder Land (201)
Winter Wonder Land is right out my new back door, and for my friends who have migrated south I offer this picture...you have the cold but you don't have the snow and with cold you need snow so here it is...just do a right face and there you have it my view of Mid north Indiana this day January whatever, who's keepin track? We are to get up to 6 inches today and then tomorrow maybe some winds that might make some interesting drifts here and there. .....
But I am ready, yesterday I attached my 8 foot wide snow blower onto the back of my 90 horse power tractor...and I have the tractor inside my 45 degree barn beside my motor home so it will for sure start and do its job if needed. Kind of late in the season to be finally getting it attached but I did not know for sure...I have been confused of late with congress working so hard on a climate change bill I thought maybe it would not ever snow again...Sometimes, (actually all the time), I think that Al Gore's global warming dream is just so dam far from reality it is just plain laughable.
The guy is a wacko to the inth degree...the inth degree by the way is just about as wacky as a wacko can get....But the funniest part is the little wackoettes that buy into this horse shit and repeat it to confuse even more folk....even some in bonkersville where they hand out those comical no bell peace prizes.....
Those actually years ago meant something, an accomplishment that helped mankind...now a days they are nothing but political wishes as to how the wacko's wish the world to be....enough said lets move back to my winter in Indiana
It is for real, man it has been colder than a "well diggers", butt....and its headed colder a few days from now I seen a zero degree low in the forecast...but actually I have enjoyed it all...I have a new fireplace and I have firewood and I have finished my remodeling for now and kind of enjoy a crackling fire and the view of the snow falling huge flakes and kind of blowing a bit. A little country music piped through the Bose Speakers threw the house, a bowl of yesterday's chilli, gee pinch me, I must be dreaming.......
Tonight, I will crack open a bottle of Gallo Family Sonoma 2006 Merlot and share it with sweet pea as she tells me about her day....We will enjoy and maybe even share a laugh about how crazy it is with the economy being down that congress works on a bill to blame us for global warming and make our electric bills higher and our cars cost more all while its very very cold in the winter just like it has been for thousands of years....God help us and God help us elect good responsible people to congress next year....
PS...something else to pass your time....at the top of my blog there is a place to click on "next blog"...I sometimes do and you never know what you will get but it is very interesting...gosh there are a lot of great bloggers out there and some not so good, but when I come across a good one it is fun....try it...and if you find a really good one, save it to your favorites and check it out again another day.....
But I am ready, yesterday I attached my 8 foot wide snow blower onto the back of my 90 horse power tractor...and I have the tractor inside my 45 degree barn beside my motor home so it will for sure start and do its job if needed. Kind of late in the season to be finally getting it attached but I did not know for sure...I have been confused of late with congress working so hard on a climate change bill I thought maybe it would not ever snow again...Sometimes, (actually all the time), I think that Al Gore's global warming dream is just so dam far from reality it is just plain laughable.
The guy is a wacko to the inth degree...the inth degree by the way is just about as wacky as a wacko can get....But the funniest part is the little wackoettes that buy into this horse shit and repeat it to confuse even more folk....even some in bonkersville where they hand out those comical no bell peace prizes.....
Those actually years ago meant something, an accomplishment that helped mankind...now a days they are nothing but political wishes as to how the wacko's wish the world to be....enough said lets move back to my winter in Indiana
It is for real, man it has been colder than a "well diggers", butt....and its headed colder a few days from now I seen a zero degree low in the forecast...but actually I have enjoyed it all...I have a new fireplace and I have firewood and I have finished my remodeling for now and kind of enjoy a crackling fire and the view of the snow falling huge flakes and kind of blowing a bit. A little country music piped through the Bose Speakers threw the house, a bowl of yesterday's chilli, gee pinch me, I must be dreaming.......
Tonight, I will crack open a bottle of Gallo Family Sonoma 2006 Merlot and share it with sweet pea as she tells me about her day....We will enjoy and maybe even share a laugh about how crazy it is with the economy being down that congress works on a bill to blame us for global warming and make our electric bills higher and our cars cost more all while its very very cold in the winter just like it has been for thousands of years....God help us and God help us elect good responsible people to congress next year....
PS...something else to pass your time....at the top of my blog there is a place to click on "next blog"...I sometimes do and you never know what you will get but it is very interesting...gosh there are a lot of great bloggers out there and some not so good, but when I come across a good one it is fun....try it...and if you find a really good one, save it to your favorites and check it out again another day.....
Saturday, January 2, 2010
Well the years have somehow wandered by and I was informed today actually 10 minutes ago that I am now a Great Grandfather....Seems like yesterday I was a grandfather and before that maybe last week I was a dad...Well maybe a little longer ago than that, but time does move on...
Anyway a great grandson was born about an hour ago in Georgia on a Naval Base there. His father is Ensign Eric Smith and his mother is my grand daughter Mandy...And the new guy is Grant Michael Smith....I am for now anyway calling him Seaman Smith...He has a navy uniform, I know that as I got it for him as a shower gift last summer...Its a little big for him just yet but he will grow into it and wear it proudly I am sure...Especially when he sees his dad wear one and figures it all out....So WELCOME ABOARD SEAMAN GRANT SMITH......Maybe some day he will want to be a real Sailor or who knows he may want to join that other department of the Navy, the Marine Corps..Or he may just grow up and be a great solid citizen, who loves his nation and votes each election to try and keep it that way, we will just wait and see.....Will post a picture to the right as soon as one arrives......Ok got the picture up, hey he is one fine looking guy that is for sure, can't wait to see and hold him.....Great job and congrats to Mandy and Eric.....
Great Grandpa Lahrman
Anyway a great grandson was born about an hour ago in Georgia on a Naval Base there. His father is Ensign Eric Smith and his mother is my grand daughter Mandy...And the new guy is Grant Michael Smith....I am for now anyway calling him Seaman Smith...He has a navy uniform, I know that as I got it for him as a shower gift last summer...Its a little big for him just yet but he will grow into it and wear it proudly I am sure...Especially when he sees his dad wear one and figures it all out....So WELCOME ABOARD SEAMAN GRANT SMITH......Maybe some day he will want to be a real Sailor or who knows he may want to join that other department of the Navy, the Marine Corps..Or he may just grow up and be a great solid citizen, who loves his nation and votes each election to try and keep it that way, we will just wait and see.....Will post a picture to the right as soon as one arrives......Ok got the picture up, hey he is one fine looking guy that is for sure, can't wait to see and hold him.....Great job and congrats to Mandy and Eric.....
Great Grandpa Lahrman
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