Thursday, May 21, 2009

Hardwood Heaven (160)

It's coming together, finally, I love the hardwood that is currently "going down"...
It's called "Tigerwood", similar to the golfer guy but no "holes in one", no long drives, just real pretty wood floors...Got it at Homeworks here in Lafayette Indiana at Market Square..they met the price that we had gotten at Lumber Liquidators in Indianapolis...So when that happened it was a "no brainer", we like dealing with local merchants, we like not having to drive 60 miles to get more or take back what is left over. And it is being installed by two craftsmen Randy and Brad Denham. They are doing a superior job fitting angles and taking care to place them in a nice pattern...I find myself standing and just watching them work and enjoying the contrast offered by the variations in wood grains and colors...kind of like watching a fireplace burn...I told them today I liked looking at it and then realizing maybe that was "good", as I have at least I hope several years ahead to do just that, "look at it".....

Sweet Pea is down in Kentucky playing nurse to her daughter Jill who had a tonsilectomy this AM....Everything went fine...She had a great surgeon and is now home in bed enjoying her "momma's" expert nursing and cooking...So anyway she is missing, droping in from time to time and watching this stuff go down but will be pleased to see the results when her "shift" of nursing ends and she heads back to Indiana later this week end....

Hopefully tomorrow I will again "roll" my corn planter across some acres of good Indiana soil...Wow what a year...12 days past the optimum planting date of May 10th...So yield is being lost most likely, but what's one to do but get it in the ground as soon as possible, but wisely patiently waiting for proper soil conditions...But the 35 acres I planted a few days back may have to be replanted as it is curling and leafing out under the soil...those hard rains just put to much of a "crust" on the top inch of soil...some of the plants are strong enough to "spike" through the crust and into the sunlight but a lot of them and maybe to many of them are curling under that crust and unfurling the first leaf...Once that happens its not going to come through no matter what...So my plan is to proceed and plant the unplanted acres first then to assess the situation at that time...IF it is as bad as I think it may be I will tear it up and replant....

Actually this is rare to have to do this, its been a long time since I replanted anything....Well its time to retire and dad occasionally said "jokingly",
"well Son, we did not get much done today, but we will give it hell tomorrow"...

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Jack's Planting Progress

I am all done now corn and beans except for about 4 acres of soil too wet to plant for maybe another week....things look pretty good considering....

34 acres of corn now out of the bags and into the ground...61 very wet acres to go...

75 acres of beans also waiting on dry conditions

Todays big rain that seems to want to continue for the next few days have put all planting on hold until we get dried out....back to tile work for me...

Today May 22 I got another 38 acres went in nice...hopefully will finish the rest of the 23 acres of corn tomorrow...Then I will try and zip in the 75 acres of beans Sunday and then decide if I want to replant that first 35 acres that is struggling to come through the crusted soil...

Monday, May 11, 2009

It's Officially "over"......(159)

Well it could not last forever...All good things have to come to an end...It was great while it lasted..we both have agreed "its over"....Yes, today we have offically announced that the 2009 Mushroom season in Indiana is "over"....

Sweet Pea and I spent a good couple hours in our favorite spots saturday and covered at least 4 hard miles I'd guess and we came out "skunked"...We both agreed it's over, we are not going to risk another tick infestation until next April when we will do it all again...Oh my they were delicious this year..we had about four nice "messes" of those delightful delacasies, but like all good and wonderful things, sooner or later it ends.

And probably in the nick of time, as today I decided that at least one 12 acre field will be dry enough to "no till" corn into in the there you will find me on Wyandotte Road next to I-65 along about the 166 mile marker..I will be the guy in the CX90 red tractor pulling an 8 row red corn planter at the blazing speed of 4 miles per hour...and as I proceed over an acre of soil 32,223 seeds of corn will find that they have been deposited in warm moist soil at a depth of exactly 2 inches seed every 6.49 inches in rows 30 inches apart.....There they will spend a little time thinking about life and how they may just want to send a shoot upward into the sunlight and a sprout downward seeking moisture and nutrients...All of that will transpire in the next 5 to 6 days time...

And the weather man says more rain coming through on Wednesday so this is a one day effort I dad used to say, " Well, we didn't get much done today but we will give her hell tomorrow"....and then maybe a little chuckle cause everyone knew my dad gave it hell just about everyday as far as farm work was concerned....

Well that does it for this trip, its getting dark here in the heartland...

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Deployment for Eric Smith.....

Wow the US Navy sure don't give a married man much of a honeymoon...The wedding was just days ago and Eric has received orders that he is being deployed on May the 8th...that is a day shy of two weeks since he and Mandy were married here in Indiana..

They had a short honeymoon in Chicago and are now back in Georgia where Eric is stationed. They told me at the wedding that he thought he would have maybe two months before being deployed....

Well have no idea what is "UP", but obviously something is and we wish you and your bride Mandy, well and God speed Ensign Eric Smith....Take care whatever business is at hand....Be a good officer and a gentleman...

Semper Fi........

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Don't get any better than this...(157)

The Mushroom "perfect storm" senereo has hit the hoosierland...for you aliens that is Indiana...the very best of "any old state in the land"....stealing a line from a song I learned at 4H camp titled "We are the Hoosiers of Hoosierland"......

Well this has been an exciting day for sweet pea and me...we both worked our butts off today, she mulching at her house, and me laying floor tile at mine. Then as she "napped", well I took in a tournement baseball game at Loeb stadium today...My grandson Nathan Russell was on the mound, and they beat CC 9 to zip in the 7 innings.
Nate is in the 8th grade, his dad thinks there is a very good chance he will make the colt league next year.. I hope so...But sorry Nate this blog ain't about you its about mushrooms...grandpa's mushrooms that happened after I left the game...

Yep I told sweet pea, hey I know we are both busier than cats trying to cover poop on a tin roof, but this is mushroom season and we have had plenty of rain and some heat.. it is the "perfect storm" as far as mushroom seasons go, we can not let this go by, we need to be "out there in those woods lookin"....she bought the idea and I picked her up and we headed to one of our favorite spots...and at the right side of the page you can see the cause of my excitement today...a whopping 9 inch yellow sponge mushroom. We found 16 all total, varying from 2 to 9 inches, a couple were 7 inches tall..anyway so you will know there was no trick photography involved I brought out a Coor's light bottle of beer...we all know they measure a full 9 inches and this super roony is ever bit as long...So my fellow Hoosiers, we have about another week yet of our roon season ahead of us...get your asses off the couch and get into a woods somewhere. Walk slow and look around, they can be about anywere...

OK..tomorrow night one big feast with shrimp and asparagus saltaed with Olive Oil, butter and chives...
Chef Jack at the stove helm, I like to spoil Mrs. P from time to time, I call it "princess time"...PT for short....she eats it up.....

While we were picking these in the woods a text message came from my daughter Sherry, it was the first time I ever got a message like that...I opened it and it was a picture of a big yellow sponge but only a 7 incher not even close to our big 9er....Seems her hubby Todd found about 40 today up here near Lafayette...and most of them in one big patch she told me...that had to been pretty darn exciting...

Good night all.....Life is good in Indiana