Thursday, May 29, 2008

My Native Grasses/ My Prairie

I have about 5 acres that I have restored to the original prairie that was once here in area's of Indiana and even more so Illinios and Iowa and most likely the Dakota's....It is very interesting to watch and imagine what it must have been like in those days of the Indian and the Buffalo...

I selected Big Bluestem, Little Bluestem, Indian Grass, Switch Grass and Side Oats as the mix for my Prairie Restoration. Native Prairie grasses are almost totally drought resistant and they root so deeply into the soil...I have read that most of them will root as deep as 15 feet into the earth. So you can imagine at that depth that they could find moisture and never be stressed even in the worst of droughts. Thus God in his wisdom perpetuatued the Grasses thus the Buffalo and thus the American Indian. So think about it, if the Grasses never quit florishing, the Buffalo never wanted for grass to eat, and thus the Indian never wanted for meat to eat and skins for their clothing and housing...

My little 5 acres in the late summer gets to a height of about 6 to 8 feet tall. I kid my friends sometimes that come in the late fall to harvest some of the seeds from the grasses that if while they are out there they stand very quiet and very still they can with a little imagination actually hear the grunt of the buffalo...

And maybe an occasional Indian creeping along hoping to bag the big Tatonka as they did in the movie Dances with Wolves....

I have read stories of the Pioneer farmers who first plowed these praires and what a time it was to cut through the deep roots of the grasses and I have read that there was almost a constant popping sound of these roots being severed by the freshly hand sharpened plow shares that they used. But what soils these grasses produced through the centuries before the white man came...Each year this enormous growth would decay and add more humous and food for nightcrawlers who would then devour the last years growth and then take it deep into the soil and pass it as waste...Much as they are building soil even now in my no till acres each year as the residue from the previous years crops lie there on the surface to be eaten by the same soil builders the night crawlers....

But my main reason for reestablishing this small part of the original prairie is to attract and make habitat for Pheasants and Quail. The Quail have returned and have florished here. Constantly all summer long providing someone for me to talk to while setting on my back porch..The "bob white" is always good to hear and sometimes try an immatate...I think they enjoy it as much as I and always return the bob white right back to me.......

I have it sectioned off in 3 parts with a 12 foot wide bluegrass fire break between the sections. This allows me to burn one section each year so that it gets burnt about every three years. It is very interesting to watch the growth then in the section that was burnt each year. It starts very quickly and is always the most agressive and lush all summer long. So in those days of old when lightning set it on fire in early spring it was actually good for it but the fires being so huge no doubt destroyed more than the grass sometimes. This year my mono delayed me and I for the first time in years did not do a burn. It is too late now as nesting I am sure is taking place and that will be protected...

Ok thats my prairie, it is off to a new start as you can see in the picture to the right and I will maybe update the story a bit later this summer when it gets full height and especially so if the buffalo and the Indian should return....

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Pastor Dr. John Walls....Dayton Indiana

Well I surely am not going to admit that I went to upper Michigan mushroom hunting and came back skunked, nor will I admit I am not out planting the last of the beans because the ground is still too damp, but I will take this opportunity to enjoy and share some pictures from my son showing my Pastor and my little Grand Daughters Brook and Haylee.

All of my grandchildren have captured my heart of course but this preacher has also.
It all started about twenty years ago I was making some hay and a friend Don Miller showed up to buy some out of the field and he said I brought our new pastor along as he has horses and wants some hay also...The preacher was a joy to meet and although not my preacher I felt I had not seen the last of this guy...

A land fill was attempting to go in not far from my house and in the Dayton area, most were against it of course, and a big meeting of the Area plan commission was held one night not long after at the Mars theater in Lafayette so as to hold the crowd that was expected. In line to speak against it was this Dayton preacher I had met...I am thinking, what is he going to say. His turn finally came, and although I think a lot of the APC members were for siteing the land fill in the county when he was done speaking to them and I can not even tell you what he said, but he did quote scripture a little, but mostly he just talked to them from the heart about doing the right thing. Anyway when the vote came about the first couple of them said jokingly, "well, I sure as heck ain't gonna be voting against GOD", and that seem to set the pace and I think the vote went unamamous to not allow the land fill in the area at all. I suggested to Linda driving home and she agreed maybe we should visit this church....

Not long after we did and I am a firm believer in the work of the HOLY SPIRIT in guiding us in what we are comfortable with and in telling us when things "ring true"...I firmly believe this when I hear preachers talk some things don't ring true, very much of that and I leave those pews empty and search for a new church with a preacher who does say what my heart and mind, thanks to you know who, tell me is ringing true. I also believe if allowed to do so that this same "HOLY SPIRT", the third person of the trinity can guide and lead a good man of GOD preacher...I think this is happening most of the time with Pastor John Walls of the Dayton Indiana Methodist Church...Linda told him once he preached like a Baptist some times...I think what she meant was you are not the norm of Methodist preachers and he is not.....Any way he is human of course some times I have not even liked him but not often and not for long.....He has a way of getting back on your "fond list", if you give him half a chance...

But in the pulpit when he is in his element, and relaying what GOD has placed on his heart he is 95+ some percent of the time dead on the money, and ringing as true as what I know true to be.....That feeds my soul and encourages me to go and do likewise when opportunity knocks....I wish all could hear the same in all churches each week... It could be why he has taken this church with the help of a lot of good Christians that make up this church from less than 100 to 650...

One more thing he did his first weeks in Dayton was to knock on every door in the town and invite all to attend the church...Now Linda liked to refer to it as the Church of "what's happening now", south of the tracks.....funny but true....
Any way a lot of time he heard no, we don't like getting dressed up and getting up early on Sunday...Guess what???? He started a late service on Sunday and made it casual dress and to make them comfortable he changes from the suit he preaches in at 8 am to blue jeans an cowboy boots....They get the same message and the service is by far the largest of the two....

One of the pictures to the right says "born 150 years late"...That may be true, he would have loved to have been a circut riding preacher that went from town to town on horse back delivering the gospel to early settlers....But for the people in this neck of the woods, the present day "settlers", were glad he was not....

That's my long as that HOLY SPIRT keeps saying, Yes its ringing true.....

PS... Today would have been Linda's 61st birthday. In grieveing class they taught us to prepare for these days and to not get "blindsided" by not preparing...This post has helped me in that....JL

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

The Corn is Coming in the Heartland

Well we seem to be having a normal spring, not what we are used to but just normal.
And "normal" is not what we really enjoy and prefer. We have been spoiled the last several years with temperatures that moderate in even early March sometimes and then we have been off to early summer weather. Not the case this year. I got a mailing from my friend Jim Hopf yesterday who is my former seed sales supervisor, boss what have you. Anyway Jim shows on a chart what I have suspected this "normal" spring that we are way under on "growing degree days" as compared to last year but that for a 30 year average we are pretty much "normal"....All this boils down to proof for me that Al Gore is a profit NOT and that the Good LORD is still in charge around here and that we are winding through our normal curves of climate constant change up and down that has been around for centuries. Well that gets my political statement off my chest for the day and so back to the corn.....

My ugly corn field is looking prettier every day. As you can see in the picture my mulch is in place to conserve moisture and protect the soil from erosion when hard rains fall. But you also see the slots throught the field, that my planter made, where my seeds have been placed and they are out of the ground kind of hard to see in this picture but if you look close you may detect a faint shade of light green that is corn plants about 1 to 2 inches tall, skinny but finding there way into this world. They are kind of yellow tinted from the cool damp "normal" temperatures we have had now for several days. Warm will come soon and with that better pictures as we watch this corn crop do its magic this growing year of 2008.

Still some soybeans to be planted yet but for now the soils remain too damp and we must wait for the perfect window of what is needed to place these seeds in an inviroment that will allow them a good start. That is it for today am going to Michigan for the week end to hunt mushrooms near Traverse City. Beautiful motor home park to explore and check out... And it will get me away from yellow corn and soils that are hesitant to become that perfect envirement that I am counting on they will be next week...Maybe will have a mushroom picture for you maybe not...

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Mono Man nearly busted watching beans grow...

This Mono is interesting. I spent some of the afternoon lying in the sun soaking up D and drinking orange juice and some milk. Tonight I thought after my bath I'd check and see if that corn is up yet and some of it was but not much probably in a couple more days you will be able to see all the shoots out of the ground on that ugly farming scene.

But on my way back I nosed my car into a soybean field and rolled down the window and looked at some baby soybeans coming up in the field across from the house we used to live in. Actually I was wondering if they are 10 or 12 or 14 dollar soy beans, and it is just hard to tell when they are such babies yet, and have just come out of the ground and not knowing what the growing season will be like here in Indiana. .I was not there long and a Sheriff car pulled in behind me as I was probably looking "suspecious"...Sure enough he looked at Mono Man and felt sure he had a "problem man" on his hands..He said, "how you doing sir"? and I replied ok, I am just setting here looking at these soy beans coming up..."oh he said glancing out where I was looking and probably not seeing what I was seeing. He said you got a license on you, I said yes, and he said I'd like to just check this out OK... I said sure why not..He got behind the car and called in the plate number and stuff.

He came back up to the window and said where you coming from? I said well I was over on Peshewa drive looking at corn coming up and on my way home and decided to see what is happening in this field also...He said, "have you been drinking quite a bit today Mr. Lahrman? And I said, "well, yeal matter of fact I have been...I been drinking a lot of orange juice and milk"...He said, "really", and I said, "yeal I got full blown mono, and I have to drink a lot".. He backed up a couple paces and said I never heard of anyone your age getting mono, I said "yeal that's what my doctor said also"....It makes me appear to be a little bit squirrley and out of it... He said yeal it does... I said yep, that's mono ok....He said can you make it home ok Mr. Lahrman?... I said oh yeal I just live a mile away and soon a I get home I am going to have some more to drink and then go to bed....He said well OK then take it easy and I said I will, I appreciate your doing your job... he said thank you sir...

And Mono man made it home and is downing yet another large orange drink and thinking about turning in and maybe not taking pictures of baby beans and corn until I get my color and normalcy back in place...Gosh if I were in a line up they'd be busting me for everything that has happend the last few days....I'll stay in bed all night and hope not to attract too much attention at church in the morning....

Good night all.....

Mono Man has teamed with Mayo Clinic experts

Now your in for it...Your gonna know MONO like the back of your hand, below to get us started is something I got off the Mayo Clinic site today. What I am searching for is to find if there is a "season" so to speak for getting and spreading mono, A couple doctors and a nurse or two have suggested that April/May are good months to get MONO...other have told me anytime so that is my study going on and why I don't know probably because I need a subject for my blog, really who gives a ----. But I will look and see what I can find...just for you that is why, it is just for you my loyal readership...ha I know your excitement levels are very high...

Am a good week into my treatment the only treatment for mono and that is bedrest and good fluids...I am feeling better every day, and I got good news yesterday from Dr. Hagen on my knee...He looked over my MRI and did an exray and says surgery will be a 3rd option that we most likely will not need...He told me I do have torn cartledge but he thinks if I take it slow with therapy and start to introduce bike riding and some walking maybe swimming I am gonna be fine...that was good news as these two things I had going on at the same time a knee injury and full blown mono really complicated each other and the treatment of we have them seperated and addressing both for what they are...At first I had myself convinced and maybe even been able to convince my doctor that my knee swelling infection had spread throughout my entire body even making my eyes bug out and turn yellow...Had myself convinced and I think he was even buying into it...ha But now I know that is a classic symptom of MONO in an older person...Thank goodness he ordered more blood test and got some science involved in this process and not allowed the patient to direct the treatment for too long a period....sorry Doc.....but you have to admit it was a good story.....

OK here is what the exerts at Mayo say on Mono in the opening page......
from the Mayo web site on MONO

Infectious mononucleosis (mono), or glandular fever, is often called the kissing disease. The label is only partly true. The virus that causes this disease is transmitted through saliva, so kissing can spread the virus, but so can coughing, sneezing, or sharing a glass or food utensil. Mononucleosis isn't as contagious as some other infections, such as the common cold.

The cause of mononucleosis is the Epstein-Barr virus, although similar signs and symptoms are sometimes caused by cytomegalovirus (CMV). Full-blown mononucleosis is most common in adolescents and young adults. Young children usually have minimal symptoms, and the infection often goes unrecognized. In lesser developed countries, mononucleosis is more frequently acquired at a young age, so classic signs and symptoms of mononucleosis aren't as common as they are in developed nations.

Mononucleosis usually isn't very serious, although the virus remains in your body for life. Most people have been exposed to the Epstein-Barr virus by the time they're 35 years old and have built up antibodies. They're immune and won't get mononucleosis again. Treatment mostly involves bed rest and getting adequate fluids.


OK its me again and don't you just love the sound of that treatment? BED REST and Adequate fluids...Boy there is a lot of adequate fluids around this house and a bed that just says stuff to me as I walk by like, "Hey I am here for you", and "maybe you should just lie down here and look at your grandkids pictures"? That one gets me everytime and in the sheets I go....I think it makes me sleepy lying there looking at them and trying to count them all before falling asleep maybe...kind of like sheep....well going to post this for now but will add to it if I can find any fact on a season for MONO, I kind of doubt there is as I think mono is a self inflicted ailment that while you are getting there your on a mission and after that you realize maybe you raised the bar a notch or two to high....


Wednesday, May 14, 2008

A Tooth Holiday that was today....

Twice each year I volunteer to do one of my very favorite things. The cleaning process is really a treat for me...I know I am different because I enjoy it all. The water pic jack hammer or whatever they call it... The scraping and vacuming, the polishing, the measuring the pockets to see if I get a good score. Man I am into this stuff and to prove that there is never any blood. That is the sign that you have been a good boy in your dental hygene habits...and I am I do the floss I do it all...

But this year was different as I felt I should alert my hygenist and the Doctor and the exray person that I am a MONO MAN...They seemed not real frieghtened of my declaration.. I told them all three right off that they were probably being adults amuned to picking anything up from me... I did suggest that just to be safe they should maybe refrain from any substantial kissing of me while in the vulnerable chair posistion. They all laughed I don't know why, and agreed that they would "hold back"....

But my long time hygenist announced she is moving to Tenn to live in Cooksville as her relatives have purchased a resort their...Old friends of mine and I wish them well...if you like Dale Hollow and fishing they probably got what you want so check them out on the Some day I will have that kind of energy again as soon as I sleep another few days....Good night all its bed time somewhere in this world.

Monday, May 12, 2008

No Tillage Corn Farming

To ugly for most Indiana corn farmers but to an experinced "ugly farmer" it is a thing of beauty. We who are into "no tillage" of the soil for many reasons have to quickly get used to farming ugly and learn to deal with it least we will fail.

You see in the two pics to the right the residue of last years soybean crop still lying there and also the previous corn crop residue from 2006 and several years residue previous to all of that...But if you get your mind made up that it can and will work it does and has for me for several years now. If you look close you can see where my planter has parted the soil and precisely placed the seed corn 2 inches deep and then covered it with firm moist soil. This 6 inch wide ban will now draw warmth from the sun and not reflect heat like the adjacent areas will...That is good though also as summer arrives and becomes very hot but the area has been pre mulched you might say with all the residue from those previous crops that have yet to be eaten and turning into soil by earthworms. So the 24 inches of the 30 inches between the rows is mulched by design and will not only reflect heat but will conserve moisture that falls and not allow it to quickly evaporate. Also during hard rains the soil will be protected from erosion that occurs on bare soils.

In a few days I will add a picture of the emerging corn plants that are right now swelling in the warm moist soil and sending down a tap root into the soil and a plant shoot towards the surface that will start the reproductive process we know as growing corn...We will follow this area from here to harvest this fall at least twice a month as everyday something changes in the corn field and exciting stuff happen some of which is not going to be like a good movie but you may find of interest as this summer passes by.

My first day of my three days of corn planting was the most challenging of my career as the MONO had a pretty good grip on me and was yet a few days before I knew what was taking me down. But usually the first day of planting season one is out early excited and ready to start a new year. Not for me that day which was a week from today. I did not get up until noon and I told myself I must get started so I went to the barn and did dig my planter out prepare it and air the tires. I came in the house thinking I would eat a bit and then plant corn... Instead the bed looked so good I got back into it for two more hours... I finally got to the field about 4 in the afternoon and did plant 20 acres of corn before least I was started.
But mono is an interesting illness and until you are told you got it and to go to bed you just hope each day that it is the worst and that tomorrow you will recover...It never comes till you admit that only sleep will cure you...which is where I am headed in about 5 minutes and have been doing most of this day....

Saturday, May 10, 2008

MONONUCLEOSIS Oh Yeal....Mono Man.

I have full blown Mono, sounds scary huh? It really is not so bad, matter of fact I think I may have the designer disease of seniors...Give me your tired, your weak, your exhausted get your self down a few more cogs. Maybe pick up a fever that stays with you for a couple weeks. Finally friends start sayiny, "you know you just don't look good"...Your eyes are really puffy and blood shot...So you go to CVC thinking I need I eye drops...The pharmasis says "gosh you really look bad what all you got going here?

Any way my diagnosis was complicated and delayed because a month ago while on my way down to this level, I damaged a knee running my 3 miles every other day. So the injury took my attention and was even blamed for my run down condition...So it delayed things and the two conditions hand in hand supported each other so to speak and until this week I knew I was sick but did not really want to admit it. Well I am admitting it and business may pick up here on the blog as I got time to burn. I have wireless and a laptop and even now snuggled into one of my most favored spots, "MY BED"....

After several test the Doc walked in the room and says this is very interesting. We don't usually see this in folks your age, you have Mono....I said does this mean I have to quit dating? He laughed and said "no, most adults are amuned to this, if she has not got it things will be fine in a couple weeks...I can not help you with pills this is a virus and your going to bed for a couple weeks and then you should be fine...

Getting Mono was kind of fun, having it was much less fun but getting over it is going to be a dream come true...sleep for 2 weeks as much as you can and drink nice juices and eat good food...I mean someone pinch me here, this has to be the designer disease of all time....Mono where have you been all my life.....

Now in my second day of recovery which has been just as much fun as yesterday I am loving this...ON doctors orders there is no guilt here of waking up after a nice long nights sleep and eating a little something and just getting back in here and taking a nap till noon...another bite to eat enjoy the gorgeous day out side but then saying you know I think I will just sleep all afternoon..and doing it...and my temperature that has been with me for weeks has left, the first sign that things are going to turn out fine here...

AS the office staff prepared my mono screening test order and made my appointment with a knee specialist, I said well I guess the old guy has MONO huh? They said kind of looks that way, don't see that much at your age, kissing disease they say?

I said well however I got it, I am taking this as kind of a "badge of honor", they laughted and said "why not good attitude Mr. L....In January my triplet grandaughters and I were on a back water fishing trip into the waters south of Marco Island. One of them had just become engaged..Our old salty Captain looked at my Grandaughter and said well, I have failed a time or two, I have been around awhile but I think I have a worthy piece of advise for you young lady. He said " if that man is not spoiling you so dam rotten that no other man would ever want you, then you need to drop that sucker at first opportunity"...We laughed but I began to think of what he had said and it is true, if it is not happening in a blooming relationship like that then it probably will not. I think his words sunk into her as she has since broke off the engagement. And like her grandpa may be cultivating a new one.grandpa has started a friendship with a fine lady he met in a greiving class, and those words are still in my head and maybe have taken grandpa down mono lane...Well maybe that and the Marine training of focusing on an objective and not stopping until it is achieved. Probably the biggest culprit in all of this has been an agressive exercise progarm I began in December this year when I arrived and settled into Florida..I enjoyed walking the beaches and I enjoyed watching weight loss happen and cholesterol and blood pressure levels drop...I knew I was doing my motor good like in that song "Maybaline", an so I probably ethusiastically abused myself somewhat wanting to be as healthy as I could and that landed me here, but however I am here, I have enjoyed getting here and am now totally enjoying sick bay here for the next two weeks.

So here I ly and as these days go by sure a story or two will be generated so check out the corn and bean man, aka MONO MAN, as there will be activity here I think....

Friday, May 9, 2008

Advice from way "out of the box" to Christian ministres...

Well I said about a week ago I would do this "tomorrow"...I guess its is like the spanish version sometimes Monyana hardly ever comes...But today it has because I need to do the promised so tomorrow I can begin anew with a new designer disease that I have discoverd for semi retired as I...

But first lets run this patch threw the bore and see how it may go...

I realize I am way underqualified to even offer ideas but I do want to throw it out along with ideas that I have heard expressed by other good Chritians that support ministries around the world. The others that have shared with me lend some credablity to my thoughts.

A man I respect very much said recently about giving to the ADF in honor of Linda, "you know I enjoy this gift and especially the good work they do, but what I will not enjoy is getting a report and request for more funds about every month or even two weeks in the future."

I know it is a real challenge to the men and women who work for these ministries to try and win the hearts of those who give and support the cause. But he is right it affects me at times in similar ways. It is often too much I know they want to share their achievements and need for more funds but it takes some getting used to. Especiall on days that maybe three arrive from different good ministries all the same day. And in an overload short circut all three go into the trash can unopened.

Sorry but that does happen especially if all three of them maybe have written to you two or three weeks prior....It bothers me less I think to both recieve them and throw them away until I feel in my heart it is time to give to this ministry again. But I think of what this must cost of in funds that could just be for ministry and not fund raising...I think my good friends additional remark was and "then they maybe spend half of what I have given them wanting more funds"...I understand I have had the same feelings...I have arrived at kind of a blind love for the ministry in just overlooking it and saying hey it must work for some people so let it go and read he reports and then not feel bad about not giving on the request until such time God moves me to do so not because some guy wants to match my funds...Let him give all he wants and I will also give what God lies on my heart...

So that is my crude words of sort, no hurt intended, but they finally got said and now we will run a nice lightly oiled patch threw the bore and be ready for another story tomorrow....

Friday, May 2, 2008

Alliance Defense Fund***** Worth a pat on the back

Today post is not a fun one for me, and posting a picture that is not becoming of the beautiful lady I was blessed with for 29 years also hard to do. But I want to use it to make a point, about GOD, and Country and Personal salvation through belief in HIS Son Jesus Christ. Those statements may end the visit for a a few here, but for the most of my good friends it will not, and recently I recieved yet another Notification from the Alliance Defense Fund that over a year after her death money is still being given because she asked people to do so in leiu of flowers in her obituary and at her funeral. The latest being Marine Boot Camp buddy Don DeWitt and his sweet wife Beverly.

The significance of her picture and why I needed to post it shows her on the phone calling her 4 favorite Christian Ministries, just 18 days before her death. She told each of them of her plans to have an evening service that people could attend and not be working, and about 400 did. She told them her pastor had assured her that her service would be one of joy for her and a good salvation message, and he assured her he would also throw in some humor now and then like he is so good at as Linda said "to make them laugh". And last but not least she told them each to send out 100 copies of their best literature about their ministry to be displayed and picked up at her funeral and that she would ask that they donate to her four favorite ministries in leiu of floweres that would just shrival and die. She said this way God would be pleased and much better served.

It is all almost a blur for me now but I do remember UPS trucks frequenting our drive way just the week before her passing. They each left a big box that I did not open as I knew what it was and just was not ready for it yet but I did assure her when each one came that what she had asked for had arrived. I think the last came just a couple days before she may have not understood but probably she did, she was now ready for her final act of dieing well....The good pastor came at 6 on April 12th, the family gathered around for prayer and before the Pastor had cleared the drive way she took her leave.......

But we as Christians know she instantly went to be with the Lord that day. I like the thought that business must have picked up in heaven of late, and he just needed a pleasent lady that could flash a cute dippled smile as a greeter and I think she is on that job today happier than anytime ever in her life here. That is our hope that the scriptures are GOD inspired and that as stated, by true belief we also will one day share in God's plan.

OK one of those ministries to me has kind of risen to the top of the heap and deserves a "pat on the back" and that is what this post is really about, but I wanted to lay the ground work as painful as it was, to bring you to follow the path of one of "Linda's favorite minitries" to now one of My favorite and appreciated ministries. For the last 30 years at least the ACLU has caused a lot of havok for our land. They have been unchallenged and have intimidated many a city, county and states goverenments, to passing laws grating special treatments to some, at the expense of others. Since unchallenged they won a lot of court cases that they should have not won...Everyone was intimidated by lawyers who wanted God out of everything not for just themselves but for everyone.. Below is the first ammendment to our constitution.

Amendment 1 - Freedom of Religion, Press, Expression. Ratified 12/15/1791. Note

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

A few years back a few strong Christian leaders realized we needed a new sheriff in town, that the towns had been kind of taken over by bullies, and people were frightened and intimidated. Thus was born the Ministry of which Linda knew was happening and followed it to the point of her death. She shared it with me I did not share the keen interest she had in it, I have to be honest but I do today. For Alliance Defense Fund, this nation needs to be thankful and appreciative, as they have taken back the towns for the most part, they are currently in the process of taking back the campuses across our land. They have given courage to many and offer support when ever Christian ideas that the first amendment does guarantee (or prohibiting the free exercise there of) to us all...we kind of lost track of all of that when this ACLU the last few years were on the rampage of intimidation, of anything with God connected to it, or promoting and making special certain life styles. Well the pendulum swang a little too far and good men and women everywhere said "enough is enough". ADF has actually won hundreds of cases dealing with religious freedom, the sanctity of human life, and marriage and the family since we started in 1994. (In fact they win well over 75% of every case they litigate to a conclusion, including 34 wins at the U.S. Supreme Court.) Recently ADF has an undefeated streak specifically with cases that are on the public university campuses, that continued with our latest win last month (the 40-0 that I mentioned).

They have given city and county and state government new hope that the peoples representatives will set policy for the people, and not a group of ACLU lawyers. God bless them in their work, I will support them at least for a few years and I hope that you will consider also supporting such a cause as we have not seen for a long long time. Type in the name into a Google Search on your computer and you will see an array of heading describing the good work they do below I will list their address also

Alliance Defense Fund - Defending Our First Liberty The Alliance Defense Fund is a legal alliance defending the right to hear and speak the Truth, through strategy, training, funding, and litigation.

here is site that will take you to their home page where you can look them over sign up for email updates etc.

Also will give you below an address and a gentleman who would be glad to accept any donations you have in Linda's honor if so led...Of all the four minisitries they have been by far the most grateful even featuring Linda in the monthly news letter last August with her picture telling how results of her efforts keep coming to them.
Maybe a couple more will come also...

Kyle Hawkins
Constituent Relations Manager
(800) 835-5233 x 8127
(480) 388-8127
(480) 444-0025 (fax)

15100 N. 90th Street
Scottsdale, Ariz. 85260

While not necessary as her presence in heaven is assured but you can tell them Linda sent you if you like....

One more point related to the good work of the ADF, is the empowerment that our state legislator have had the last few years. A boldness that resulted in the issuing of this beautiful current 08 License plate. And the ACLU did recently challenge this plate in court and were sent packing by a judge that told them that the legislators elected by the people did not violate any law in offering this plate to those that wanted it.... And a different plate to those who did not...

So all in all good things are happening and this ADF has to be credited with the battles they have waged to defend our First Amendment right...they are warriors worthy of your support....

Comming tomorrow I will offer some advice to ADF and all the Christian Ministries that I know of about good steward ship of our funds and our time...

One final thought on The Alliance Defense Fund......

When you bring a new Sheriff into town and he cleans up crime and keeps it out it is worth something, you should all know that....It takes a lot of money to hire even part time attorneys stand up for the rights of the First Amendment...That is why I know it is important, you stop paying a Sheriff and he gets another job guess who comes back to town....think about it...JL